Thursday, June 19, 2008

Week 1: Project 1c

Information I learned about and from other students:

Lisa Todoroff:

A little info on Lisa:
-Lisa got her name from her older sister who couldn’t pronounce Britney.
-She is taking this class to raise her GPA. She plans to transfer to Sonoma State University.
-Lisa wants to improve her time management skills. She is currently taking a total of two online classes from SRJC.

Two things I learned from Lisa about Paulo Freire:

1) Paulo Freire wrote a book entitled, Education as the Practice of Freedom, in 1967. This was his first book.

2) He taught Porteguese in a Secondary School. This is where he met his wife. They had five kids together.

Mike Becerra:

A few things about Mike:
-Mike is a Business student here at SRJC. His concentration is in accounting, and it is Mike’s third year at SRJC.
-He is taking this course to fulfill general education requirements.

Two things I learned from Mike about Paulo Freire:

1) Paulo Freire’s three greatest awards were: International Development Prize (1980), Prize for Outstanding Christian Educators, and UNESCO Prize for Education for Peace (1986).

2) Freire believed in dialogue as an educational tool; to him, this was the best method for an individual to gain knowledge.

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