Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 1: Project 1a

1) What is your first name?

2) Why are you taking this class?
-To fufill a general education requirement for the UC IGETC. I plan on transferring to UC Santa Barbara and majoring in Business Economics.

3) How far do you live from the SRJC campus?
-I live 31 minutes and 31 miles away from the J.C. The online classroom is great because I can save money not having to commute.

4) What do you hope to learn from this class?
-I hope to gain a better appreciation for and knowledge of the field of Humanities. I am not quite sure what it is, and am excited to explore a new academic area.

5) Have you created a blog or webpage in the past?
-No, this will be my first experience.

1 comment:

SRJC Online Guerrini Class said...

Wow! How cool that maps gave you the exact number of miles from your home to campus as it takes you to drive. You are very lucky since some people who live 10 miles away can get there in the same amount of time. Our roads are not the best, but that's why we have the Internet! Welcome aboard, Barret! I look forward to having you in this class.