Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week 2: 2c "My Dog Lexie"

1. Contains a title using the format listed above .25 points
-See Title.

2. Contains the sources you used with links to these sources .25 points

3. Contains a brief paragraph how it connects to your study of humanities 1 point
-I choose my dog Lexie. She is a beagle. I choose her because dogs have been man's best friend for thousands of years. Our society values pets and treats them like family members. I think this is a great example of our society's values.

4. Contains the following "analytical elements":

a. Observation: What did you choose? What do you see or hear or feel or think of in the choice you made? What is the subject of the work? If you chose a 'thing' what is the work made of and what techniques (colors, lines, shapes, textures)does the creator use? Be specific in your description. If you chose a place, be specific in your description of what you see or hear. Talk to your reader as though they cannot see the item but somehow must draw a painting of what you see or hear. 1 point
- I choose my dog Lexie (Pronounced Yexy). She is a beagle. She is eleven months old. Her hair is black on her back, she has brown on her face, and white on her stomach and legs.

b. Interpretation: What is your choice about? Give specific examples to support this statement in 2 sentences; do so in a way that teaches us something about your choice. Make Paulo Freire proud! .75 point
-My choice is about pets and thier role in society. It represents the inclusion of the animal kingdom in humanity. We have laws that protect animals. This shows that we value them greatly.

c. Judgment: What led you to your choice? What do you think or feel about this choice? Why do you feel this way? Support your thoughts with specific observations. .5 point
-I choose Lexie because I really enjoy her presence. She represents what is good in my life. Whenever I feel like something isn't going well in my life, she reminds me of happiness and good times. She's always so happy, and she inspires me to act in the same way. Lexie is my pet. She is part of my family and my life. I wouln't trade her for anything.

d. Questioning: What else would you like to know about this choice? When completing the question section, lead your audience into the question by stating a fact you do know, yet you still have the related question. This way, both your audience and you will have an educational experience. Example: I learned that John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath was based on his personal experience working with farm workers. I would like to know if the characters he used in that book are fictitious or are they people he met? .5 point
-Lexie knows how to sit and shake hands. I wonder what goes on in her brain and how she interperets what she is doing.

5. Using your classmates work from last week, tell us one thing you learned from 1 student. Is this one thing some common experience you share or some experience that is completely different than what you experienced? Is this one thing related to our class theoretical foundation and if so, how? Is that one thing related to historical or cultural context of this country or a different one? Link that persons blog to this entry (eg cut paste that blog entry here) . .5 point
- I learned from Ryan Dunham that he is completing this class to fulfill general education requirements. He currently lives 32 minutes from campus!!

Week 2: 2b "Mueseum: Lawrence Hall of Science"

1. Contains a title using the format listed above .25 points
-See Title.

2. Contains the sources you used with links to these sources .25 points

3. Contains a brief paragraph how it connects to your study of humanities 1 point
-The Lawrence Hall of Science connects to my study of humanities because it is a collection of inventions from the past and present. It shows the technology of the past, which helps us understand life back then and how technology affects life.

4. Contains the following "analytical elements":

a. Observation: What did you choose? What do you see or hear or feel or think of in the choice you made? What is the subject of the work? If you chose a 'thing' what is the work made of and what techniques (colors, lines, shapes, textures)does the creator use? Be specific in your description. If you chose a place, be specific in your description of what you see or hear. Talk to your reader as though they cannot see the item but somehow must draw a painting of what you see or hear. 1 point
- I walk in the mueseum and see science and its history. I watch electricity arc in a glass ball. I hear the many people talking amoungst themselves. They seem happy and interested. I smell the cleaning chemicals that keep the mueseum clean. The cool air conditioning chills my body. I am excited because thsi isn't something I get to see everyday. I enjoy taking the trip back in time. I play with the old telephones of the early 1900's. I read plaques that tell stories of inventors. My legs ache from all the walking. I enjoy the experience.

b. Interpretation: What is your choice about? Give specific examples to support this statement in 2 sentences; do so in a way that teaches us something about your choice. Make Paulo Freire proud! .75 point
-My choice is about commemorating the history of science. It aims to spark innovative juices in young and old scientists' minds.

c. Judgment: What led you to your choice? What do you think or feel about this choice? Why do you feel this way? Support your thoughts with specific observations. .5 point
-I feel this choice is good for society. It sparks interest in science. It also causes you to appreciate science more. I think these two results are important because they fuel future innovation which is beneficial to society.

d. Questioning: What else would you like to know about this choice? When completing the question section, lead your audience into the question by stating a fact you do know, yet you still have the related question. This way, both your audience and you will have an educational experience. Example: I learned that John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath was based on his personal experience working with farm workers. I would like to know if the characters he used in that book are fictitious or are they people he met? .5 point
- The Lawrence Hall of Science was established in 1968. I would like to know who funds it.

5. Using your classmates work from last week, tell us one thing you learned from 1 student. Is this one thing some common experience you share or some experience that is completely different than what you experienced? Is this one thing related to our class theoretical foundation and if so, how? Is that one thing related to historical or cultural context of this country or a different one? Link that persons blog to this entry (eg cut paste that blog entry here) . .5 point
-I learned from Sophear Prom that Paulo Freire's most famous work was Pedagogy of the Oppressed. This is related to our class because it involved me learning something from someone else. This is an interaction of culture.

Week 2: Project 2a "San Francisco Financial District"

1. Contains a title using the format listed above .25 points
- See title.

2. Contains the sources you used with links to these sources .25 points

3. Contains a brief paragraph how it connects to your study of humanities 1 point
-The San Francisco Financial District connects to my study of humanities because it was the product of the California Gold Rush. Humanities seeks to understand people and culture, and I think the Financial District and its fascinating history are excellent examples of culture and its affect on society.

4. Contains the following "analytical elements":

a. Observation: What did you choose? What do you see or hear or feel or think of in the choice you made? What is the subject of the work? If you chose a 'thing' what is the work made of and what techniques (colors, lines, shapes, textures)does the creator use? Be specific in your description. If you chose a place, be specific in your description of what you see or hear. Talk to your reader as though they cannot see the item but somehow must draw a painting of what you see or hear. 1 point
- As I walk down Market Street, the cool San Francisco air invigorates my body while the warm sunshine relaxes me. I glance upward and am taken back by the towering skyscrapers. Their glass facades reflect the street below them and the traffic that zooms by. The power these buildings express is palpable. Financial giants like Charles Schwab, Goldman Sachs, and Deloitte and Touche reside in these streets. I dream of the day I will work in one of those towers.

b. Interpretation: What is your choice about? Give specific examples to support this statement in 2 sentences; do so in a way that teaches us something about your choice. Make Paulo Freire proud! .75 point
-The Financial District is about power, money, and professionalism. It exerts an image that demands respect!

c. Judgment: What led you to your choice? What do you think or feel about this choice? Why do you feel this way? Support your thoughts with specific observations. .5 point
-I choose the Financial District of San Francisco because I hope to work there some day. I am awed by the prestige of this area. I respect it, and hope to be a part of it some day. I feel this way because I think anything financial is facinating and iteresting.

d. Questioning: What else would you like to know about this choice? When completing the question section, lead your audience into the question by stating a fact you do know, yet you still have the related question. This way, both your audience and you will have an educational experience. Example: I learned that John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath was based on his personal experience working with farm workers. I would like to know if the characters he used in that book are fictitious or are they people he met? .5 point
-The area was completely destroyed during the 1906 Earthquake and Fire. I wonder how it was affected by the 1989 Earthquake.

5. Using your classmates work from last week, tell us one thing you learned from 1 student. Is this one thing some common experience you share or some experience that is completely different than what you experienced? Is this one thing related to our class theoretical foundation and if so, how? Is that one thing related to historical or cultural context of this country or a different one? Link that persons blog to this entry (eg cut paste that blog entry here) . .5 point
-Jeni Lyons taught me that Paulo Freire wrote books both in English and in Spanish. I think this connects to the class because language is so important to a culture. It allows communication of ideas. This leads to a more diverse body of knowledge. Paulo Freire was increasing that body of knowledge.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Week 1: Project 1c

Information I learned about and from other students:

Lisa Todoroff:

A little info on Lisa:
-Lisa got her name from her older sister who couldn’t pronounce Britney.
-She is taking this class to raise her GPA. She plans to transfer to Sonoma State University.
-Lisa wants to improve her time management skills. She is currently taking a total of two online classes from SRJC.

Two things I learned from Lisa about Paulo Freire:

1) Paulo Freire wrote a book entitled, Education as the Practice of Freedom, in 1967. This was his first book.

2) He taught Porteguese in a Secondary School. This is where he met his wife. They had five kids together.

Mike Becerra:

A few things about Mike:
-Mike is a Business student here at SRJC. His concentration is in accounting, and it is Mike’s third year at SRJC.
-He is taking this course to fulfill general education requirements.

Two things I learned from Mike about Paulo Freire:

1) Paulo Freire’s three greatest awards were: International Development Prize (1980), Prize for Outstanding Christian Educators, and UNESCO Prize for Education for Peace (1986).

2) Freire believed in dialogue as an educational tool; to him, this was the best method for an individual to gain knowledge.

Week 1: Project 1b

Three facts about Paulo Freire:
  • Paulo Freire was born in Recife, Brazil in 1921. The Great Depression of 1929 forced his family to relocate to Joboatoa, Brazil. Here, he witnessed egregious poverty that shaped his understanding of the world. It influenced many of his ideas later in life.
  • Paulo Freire attended Law School, but never practiced Law because he felt that education was his true path in life. After Law School, he became a school teacher, and began intensely studying books on education.
  • Freire spent ten years of his career working for Brazil's SESI (Social Service of Industry). Here, he held many important positions, and helped redefine education in Brazil. The experiences he gained with the SESI inspired the doctoral dissertation he submitted in 1959. He also wrote numerous books on education that are still very influential.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 1: Project 1a

1) What is your first name?

2) Why are you taking this class?
-To fufill a general education requirement for the UC IGETC. I plan on transferring to UC Santa Barbara and majoring in Business Economics.

3) How far do you live from the SRJC campus?
-I live 31 minutes and 31 miles away from the J.C. The online classroom is great because I can save money not having to commute.

4) What do you hope to learn from this class?
-I hope to gain a better appreciation for and knowledge of the field of Humanities. I am not quite sure what it is, and am excited to explore a new academic area.

5) Have you created a blog or webpage in the past?
-No, this will be my first experience.